Tuesday 8 March 2011

A proposal

Although all's been quiet on the blog since the end of last summer, there has been plenty of action behind the scenes. For years we've been quietly plotting and building towards a proper voyage, one that will keep us out there for some time.
It was conceived in a daydream of paradisal South Pacific islands, suckled on the literature of Tom Neale, John Caldwell, Nick GraingerVictor Clark and others, raised on the Patagonian tales of fellow sailors met in the Azores and now approaches maturity, as we slog our way through the jungle of preparations between ourselves and our intended departure at the end of May.
I don't want to get involved in grandiose and hubristic claims about what we're going to do, but we have put together a rough outline of what we might hope to accomplish in the first year.

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