We are now in the ancient, beautiful and very interesting city of Cartagena, the latest in our series of random stops, dictated by wind and weather. It was a long beat over here from Santa Pola with a Force 6 dead against us most of the night, plus unfavourable current, tunny nets and fish farms. 125 nautical miles to travel a distance of 65, but never mind, Biscay is looming ahead and it´s useful to know that all systems are in a good state of preparedness.
While we were in Santa Pola, we learned that the salt marshes there are a year-round haunt of flamingos. So, we went to have a look and, sure enough, there was one standing in the classic flamingo pose (photo to follow).
Here in Cartagena, we can hear the squawking of peacocks from the boat - there´s a beautiful park around the castillo where there are many of them. We even saw a pea-chick for the first time.
We have decided to stop a couple of nights here, since the town is so interesting and the marina relatively cheap, so we´re having a bit of R&R.
Sonja, you're a born travelogue. Keep up the good work!
Hello there! It's been great to follow your journey! We love the pictures!! Keep on posting them :-)
Enjoy your sailing adventure.
Steffi, Kai, Leo and Amy
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